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This function extract a slendr model parameters used to compile a given model object or simulate a tree sequence





Either an object of the class slendr_ts or slendr_model


A list of data frames containing parameters of the model used when compiling a model object


check_dependencies(python = TRUE, quit = TRUE) # dependencies must be present

#> The interface to all required Python modules has been activated.

# load an example model and simulate a tree sequence from it
model <- read_model(path = system.file("extdata/models/introgression", package = "slendr"))
ts <- msprime(model, sequence_length = 1e5, recombination_rate = 0)

# extract model parameters from a compiled model object as a list of data frames
#> $splits
#>   pop parent    N    time remove
#> 1  CH   <NA>   10 6500000     NA
#> 2 AFR     CH   10 6000000     NA
#> 3 NEA    AFR   10  600000  40000
#> 4 EUR    AFR 5000   70000     NA
#> $gene_flows
#>   from  to start   end rate
#> 1  NEA EUR 55000 45000 0.03

# the function can also extract parameters of a model which simulated a
# tree sequence
#> $splits
#>   pop parent    N    time remove
#> 1  CH   <NA>   10 6500000     NA
#> 2 AFR     CH   10 6000000     NA
#> 3 NEA    AFR   10  600000  40000
#> 4 EUR    AFR 5000   70000     NA
#> $gene_flows
#>   from  to start   end rate
#> 1  NEA EUR 55000 45000 0.03