Extract names and times of individuals of interest in the current tree sequence (either all sampled individuals or those that the user simplified to)
Extract names and times of individuals of interest in the current tree sequence (either all sampled individuals or those that the user simplified to)
check_dependencies(python = TRUE, quit = TRUE) # dependencies must be present
#> The interface to all required Python modules has been activated.
# load an example model with an already simulated tree sequence
slendr_ts <- system.file("extdata/models/introgression_slim.trees", package = "slendr")
model <- read_model(path = system.file("extdata/models/introgression", package = "slendr"))
# load the tree-sequence object from disk
ts <- ts_read(slendr_ts, model)
# extract the table of individuals scheduled for simulation and sampling
#> # A tibble: 13 × 3
#> name time pop
#> <chr> <int> <chr>
#> 1 NEA_1 70000 NEA
#> 2 NEA_2 40000 NEA
#> 3 AFR_1 0 AFR
#> 4 AFR_2 0 AFR
#> 5 AFR_3 0 AFR
#> 6 AFR_4 0 AFR
#> 7 AFR_5 0 AFR
#> 8 CH_1 0 CH
#> 9 EUR_1 0 EUR
#> 10 EUR_2 0 EUR
#> 11 EUR_3 0 EUR
#> 12 EUR_4 0 EUR
#> 13 EUR_5 0 EUR